The expedited globalised process of exchange and new forms of cultural production have transformed old established notions of identity, calling into question their conceptual foundations. This book explores the spatial and representational dimension of this phenomenon, by addressing how the reshaping of the key themes of place, architecture and memory are altering the nature, as well as, our understanding of identity.

Cutting across boundaries, the book drives discussion of identity beyond the well-worn concern for its loss within a globalised context, and importantly provides links between identity, place, memory and representation in architecture. Examining a range of case studies from Australia, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Puerto Rico, Turkey and Singapore, as well as with contributions cutting across geographical and temporal boundaries, this volume addresses such issues as architecture technology, place and memory – critical issues in the monitoring and mapping of identity shift within a rapidly globalising context.

With contributions from renowned authors in the field including Nicholas Temple, Patsy Hely, Robert Brown, Liane Lefaivre, John Hendrix, Ana Souto, Fiona MacLaren, Stephen Walker, Nezar AlSayyad, Andrzej Piotrowski, Catherine Ettinger, Luz Marie Rodríguez, and Raymond Quek this book presents fresh insights and diverse perspectives on the evolving question of identity and globalisation.

part 1|61 pages

Place and identity

chapter 1|16 pages

Changing identities in the Oecumene

Geography and architecture in the Greco-Roman world

chapter 3|11 pages

Emplacement, embodiment and ritual

Some considerations from shikii wo matagu for our understanding of place and identity

chapter 4|13 pages

Architecture, architect and the recessive nature of technology

The work of Laurie Baker in India

part 2|69 pages

Memory and identity

chapter 7|14 pages

Architecture and memory

Berlin, a phenomenological approach

chapter 8|16 pages

Identities in the architecture of Mexico City

Memories and histories in La Plaza de la Constitución and the Temple of Santa Teresa la Antigua 1

chapter 9|11 pages

Post-conflict space

Mediating memory and the parameters of identity

chapter 10|14 pages

Helen Chadwick

The Model Institution and personal identity

part 3|61 pages

Representation and identity

chapter 11|10 pages

Identity, culture, and urbanism

Remarks from colonialism to globalization 1

chapter 12|12 pages

Space of representational negotiations

Beyond Ruskin and Bhabha 1

chapter 13|12 pages

Colour and tradition

The portrayal of Mexican architecture in the American press

chapter 14|11 pages

To be for (an)other

The Caribe Hilton or ambivalence as presence in a United States colony

chapter 15|14 pages

The mirror of territorial identity in Singapore professional architecture 1923–1969

Colonialism, nationalism, separation and independence