Many regard religious experience as the essence of religion, arguing that narratives might be created and rituals invented but that these are always secondary to the original experience itself. However, the concept of "experience" has come under increasing fire from a range of critics and theorists. This Reader presents writings from both those who assume the existence and possible universality of religious experience and those who question the very rhetoric of "experience". Bringing together both classic and contemporary writings, the Reader showcases differing disciplinary approaches to the study of religious experience: philosophy, literary and cultural theory, history, psychology, anthropology; feminist theory; as well as writings from within religious studies. The essays are structured into pairs, with each essay separately introduced with information on its historical and intellectual context. The ultimate aim of the Reader is to enable students to explore religious experience as rhetoric created to authorize social identities. The book will be an invaluable introduction to the key ideas and approaches for students of Religion, as well as Sociology and Anthropology. CONTRIBUTORS: Robert Desjarlais, Diana Eck, William James, Craig Martin, Russell T. McCutcheon, Wayne Proudfoot, Robert Sharf, Ann Taves, Charles Taylor, Joachim Wach, Joan Wallach Scott, Raymond Williams

part |17 pages

The Background of Experience

chapter |5 pages

Raymond Williams

“Experience,” from Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society

chapter |10 pages

Robert Desjarlais

“Rethinking Experience,” from Shelter Blues: Sanity and Selfhood Among the Homeless

part |33 pages

The Autonomy of Experience

chapter |18 pages

William James

“Lecture 2: Circumscription of the Topic,” from The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature

chapter |13 pages

Charles Taylor

“James: Varieties,” from Varieties of Religion Today: William James Revisited

part |38 pages

The Universality of Experience

chapter |17 pages

Joachim Wach

“Universals in Religion,” from Types of Religious Experience: Christian and Non-Christian

chapter |19 pages

Diana Eck

“Bozeman to Banaras: Questions from the Passage to India,” from Encountering God: A Spiritual Journal from Bozeman to Banaras

part |22 pages

The Explanation of Experience

chapter |13 pages

Wayne Proudfoot

“A Classic Conversion Experience” and “Explaining Religious Experience,” from Religious Experience

chapter |7 pages

Ann Taves

Excerpt from “Conclusion,” from Fits, Trances, and Visions: Experiencing Religion and Explaining Experience from Wesley to James

part |45 pages

The Unraveling of Experience

chapter |20 pages

Robert H. Sharf

“Experience,” from Critical Terms for Religious Studies

chapter |23 pages

Joan Wallach Scott

“The Evidence of Experience,” from Critical Inquiry

part |22 pages

Conclusion: The Capital of “Experience”

part |6 pages

Some Afterwords …