In 1996, Garland published the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Police Science, edited by the late William G. Bailey. The work covered all the major sectors of policing in the US. Since then much research has been done on policing issues, and there have been significant changes in techniques and in the American police system. Technological advances have refined and generated methods of investigation. Political events, such as the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States, have created new policing needs while affecting public opinion about law enforcement. These developments appear in the third, expanded edition of the Encyclopedia of Police Science. 380 entries examine the theoretical and practical aspects of law enforcement, discussing past and present practices.

The added coverage makes the Encyclopedia more comprehensive with a greater focus on today's policing issues. Also added are themes such as accountability, the culture of police, and the legal framework that affects police decision. New topics discuss recent issues, such as Internet and crime, international terrorism, airport safety, or racial profiling. Entries are contributed by scholars as well as experts working in police departments, crime labs, and various fields of policing.

letter 1A|90 pages

entry |5 pages

Abatement of Nuisance Property Seizure

entry |6 pages

Abuse of Authority by Police

entry |4 pages

Academies, Police

entry |4 pages

Accidental Deaths/Assaults Against Police and Murder of Police Officers

entry |9 pages


entry |3 pages

Administration of Police Agencies, Theories of

entry |4 pages

Age and Crime

entry |5 pages

Airport Safety and Security

entry |2 pages

Alarms as Crime Prevention

entry |4 pages

Alcohol, Drugs, and Crime

entry |6 pages

American Policing: Early Years

entry |6 pages

Arrest Powers of the Police

entry |3 pages

Arson and its Investigation

entry |5 pages

Asian Policing Systems

entry |3 pages

Assessment Centers, Personnel

entry |2 pages

Atlanta Police Department

entry |2 pages

Attitudes Toward the Police: Measurement Issues

entry |6 pages

Attitudes Toward the Police: Overview

entry |3 pages

Australian Policing

entry |4 pages

Authority within Police Organizations

entry |2 pages

Autonomy and the Police

entry |2 pages

Aviation Applications to Policing

letter 91B|38 pages

entry |2 pages

Bertillon System

entry |2 pages

Bittner, Egon

entry |5 pages

Boston Community Policing

entry |2 pages

Boston Police Department

entry |3 pages

Boston Police Strike

entry |8 pages

British Policing

entry |6 pages

Broken-Windows Policing

entry |3 pages

Budgeting, Police

entry |2 pages

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

entry |3 pages

Burglary and Police Response

entry |2 pages

Business Districts, Policing

letter 129C|245 pages

entry |4 pages

Calls for Service

entry |4 pages

Campus Police

entry |3 pages

Canadian Policing

entry |3 pages

Canine Units

entry |2 pages

Capital Crimes and Capital Punishment

entry |5 pages

Caribbean Policing

entry |3 pages

Case Screening and Case Management for Investigations

entry |3 pages

Changing Demographics in Policing

entry |3 pages

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department

entry |5 pages

Chicago Community Policing

entry |3 pages

Child Abuse and its Investigation

entry |6 pages

Citizen Complaints in the New Police Order

entry |2 pages

Citizen Police Academies

entry |3 pages

Civil Restraint in Policing

entry |5 pages

Civilian Review Boards

entry |3 pages

Clearance Rates and Criminal Investigations

entry |3 pages

Closed-Circuit Television Applications for Policing

entry |3 pages

Codes of Ethics

entry |5 pages

Community Attitudes Toward the Police

entry |5 pages

Community-Oriented Policing: Effects and Impacts

entry |4 pages

Community-Oriented Policing: History

entry |3 pages

Community-Oriented Policing: International

entry |3 pages

Community-Oriented Policing: Practices

entry |3 pages

Community-Oriented Policing: Rationale

entry |3 pages

Community Watch Programs

entry |4 pages

Complaints Against Police

entry |9 pages


entry |2 pages

Computer-Aided Dispatching (CAD) Systems

entry |5 pages

Computer Crimes

entry |3 pages

Computer Forensics

entry |3 pages

Computer Technology

entry |2 pages

Conflict Management

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages

Constitutional Rights: In-Custody Interrogation

entry |5 pages

Constitutional Rights: Privacy

entry |2 pages

Constitutional Rights: Search and Seizure

entry |6 pages

Continental Europe, Policing in

entry |5 pages


entry |5 pages

Costs of Police Services

entry |3 pages

Courtroom Testimony and “Testilying”

entry |3 pages


entry |3 pages

Crackdowns by the Police

entry |10 pages

Crime Analysis

entry |6 pages

Crime and Place, Theories of

entry |3 pages

Crime Commissions

entry |5 pages

Crime Control Strategies

entry |4 pages

Crime Control Strategies: Alcohol and Drugs

entry |2 pages

Crime Control Strategies: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

entry |3 pages

Crime Control Strategies: Gun Control

entry |3 pages

Crime Control Strategies: More Police

entry |2 pages

Crime Control Strategies: Selective Prosecution/Incarceration

entry |3 pages

Crime Laboratory

entry |5 pages

Crime Mapping

entry |7 pages

Crime Prevention

entry |3 pages

Crime Scene Search and Evidence Collection

entry |4 pages

Crime, Serious

entry |3 pages

Crime, Serious Violent

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages

Criminal Careers

entry |2 pages

Criminal History Information

entry |4 pages

Criminal Informants

entry |4 pages

Criminal Investigation

entry |4 pages


entry |3 pages

Critical Incidents

entry |3 pages

Crowd/Riot Control

entry |3 pages

Cynicism, Police

letter 375D|83 pages

entry |3 pages

Dallas Police Department

entry |2 pages

Danger and Police Work

entry |6 pages

Deadly Force

entry |5 pages

Department of Homeland Security

entry |7 pages

Detective Work/Culture

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Deviant Subcultures in Policing

entry |3 pages

Differential Police Response

entry |6 pages


entry |7 pages


entry |2 pages

Dispatch and Communications Centers

entry |4 pages

Dispute Resolution, Community

entry |3 pages

Diversity in Police Departments

entry |3 pages

DNA Fingerprinting

entry |6 pages

Domestic (or Intimate Partner) Violence and The Police

entry |4 pages

Drug Abuse Prevention Education

entry |3 pages

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.)

entry |4 pages

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

entry |2 pages

Drug Interdiction

entry |4 pages

Drug Markets

entry |4 pages

Drunk Driving

letter 459E|37 pages

entry |3 pages

Early Warning Systems

entry |4 pages

Education and Training

entry |3 pages

Elderly and Crime

entry |5 pages

Emergency Management and Planning

entry |2 pages


entry |4 pages

Environmental Crime

entry |2 pages

Ethics and Values in the Context of Community Policing

entry |7 pages

Excessive Force

entry |3 pages

Exclusionary Rule

entry |4 pages

Eyewitness Evidence

letter 497F|92 pages

entry |4 pages

Fear of Crime

entry |2 pages

Fear of Litigation

entry |3 pages

Federal Bureau of Investigation

entry |2 pages

Federal Bureau of Investigation Training Academy

entry |6 pages

Federal Commissions and Enactments

entry |2 pages

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)

entry |3 pages

Federal Police and Investigative Agencies

entry |4 pages

Fencing Stolen Property

entry |4 pages

Field Training and Evaluation Program

entry |4 pages


entry |5 pages

Firearms Availability and Homicide Rates

entry |5 pages

Firearms: Guns and the Gun Culture

entry |3 pages

Firearms: History

entry |6 pages

Firearms Regulation and Control

entry |4 pages

Firearms Tracing

entry |3 pages

Foot Patrol

entry |4 pages

Forensic Evidence

entry |4 pages

Forensic Investigations

entry |3 pages

Forensic Medicine

entry |5 pages

Forensic Science

entry |2 pages

Fosdick, Raymond B.

entry |4 pages

Fraud Investigation

entry |7 pages

Future of International Policing

entry |4 pages

Future of Policing in the United States

letter 589G|17 pages

entry |4 pages

Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.)

entry |6 pages

Gender and Crime

entry |7 pages

“Good” Policing

letter 607H|38 pages

entry |10 pages

Hate Crime

entry |4 pages

History of American Policing

entry |8 pages

Homeland Security and Law Enforcement

entry |3 pages

Homicide and Its Investigation

entry |3 pages

Homicide: Unsolved

entry |2 pages

Hoover, J. Edgar

entry |3 pages

Hostage Negotiations

entry |5 pages

Hot Spots

letter 645I|72 pages

entry |5 pages

Identity Theft

entry |5 pages

Immigrant Communities and The Police

entry |3 pages

Independent Commission of the Los Angeles Police Department (The Christopher Commission)

entry |4 pages

India, Policing in

entry |3 pages

Informants, Use of

entry |5 pages

Information Security

entry |5 pages

Information Within Police Agencies

entry |3 pages


entry |3 pages

Integrity in Policing

entry |5 pages

Intelligence Gathering and Analysis: Impacts on Terrorism

entry |6 pages

Intelligence-Led Policing and Organizational Learning

entry |1 pages

International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)

entry |5 pages

International Police Cooperation

entry |4 pages

International Police Missions

entry |4 pages

International Policing

entry |1 pages

Interpol and International Police Intelligence

entry |1 pages


entry |5 pages

Interrogations, Criminal

entry |4 pages

Investigation Outcomes

letter 717J|25 pages

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Jail Assaults

entry |3 pages

Juvenile Crime and Criminalization

entry |4 pages

Juvenile Delinquency

entry |4 pages

Juvenile Delinquency: Status Crimes

entry |3 pages

Juvenile Diversion

entry |6 pages

Juvenile Justice System

letter 743K|6 pages

entry |4 pages

Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment

entry |2 pages

Knapp Commission

letter 749L|19 pages

entry |3 pages

Law Enforcement Assistance Administration

entry |3 pages

Liability and High-Speed Chases

entry |3 pages

Liability and The Police

entry |3 pages

Liability and use of Force

entry |3 pages

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD)

entry |4 pages

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)

letter 769M|51 pages

entry |7 pages

Managing Criminal Investigations

entry |3 pages

Media Images of Policing

entry |3 pages

Media Relations

entry |6 pages

Mental Illness: Improved Law Enforcement Response

entry |2 pages

Miami-Dade Police Department

entry |4 pages

Militarization of the Police

entry |3 pages

Military Police

entry |4 pages

Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment

entry |2 pages

Minorities and The Police

entry |3 pages

Mollen Commission

entry |6 pages

Money Laundering

entry |2 pages

Mounted Patrol

entry |6 pages

Multiethnic Communities: Interactive Model

letter 821N|39 pages

entry |3 pages

Nassau County (New York) Police Department

entry |2 pages

National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder

entry |3 pages

National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE)

entry |2 pages

National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)

entry |3 pages

National Organizations of Blacks in Law Enforcement

entry |5 pages

Neighborhood Effects on Crime and Social Organization

entry |3 pages

Neighborhood Watch

entry |5 pages

New York Police Department (NYPD)

entry |6 pages

Niederhoffer, Arthur

entry |3 pages

Nonlethal (Or Less-Than-Lethal) Weapons: History

entry |4 pages

Nonlethal Weapons: Empirical Evidence

letter 861O|30 pages

entry |5 pages

Oakland Police Department

entry |7 pages

Occupational Culture

entry |3 pages

Offender Profiling

entry |2 pages

Office of Community-Oriented Police Services, U.S. Department of Justice

entry |3 pages

Operational Costs

entry |3 pages

Order Maintenance

entry |3 pages

Organizational Structure: Theory and Practice

entry |4 pages

Organized Crime

letter 891P|202 pages

entry |6 pages

Patriot Acts I And II

entry |1 pages

Patriot II

entry |5 pages

Patrol, Types and Effectiveness of

entry |2 pages

Pennsylvania State Police

entry |7 pages

Performance Measurement

entry |3 pages

Personnel Allocation

entry |5 pages

Personnel Selection

entry |3 pages

Philadelphia Police Department

entry |3 pages

Physical Fitness Standards

entry |3 pages

Pinkerton, Allan

entry |3 pages

Police Careers

entry |4 pages

Police Chief Executive

entry |4 pages

Police Executive Research Forum

entry |3 pages

Police Foundation

entry |7 pages

Police in Urban America, 1860–1920

entry |10 pages

Police Legal Liabilities: Overview

entry |5 pages

Police Mediation

entry |4 pages

Police Misconduct: After the Rodney King Incident

entry |10 pages

Police Pursuits

entry |7 pages

Police Reform in an Era of Community and Problem-Oriented Policing

entry |5 pages

Police Reform: 1950–1970

entry |4 pages

Police Social Work Teams and Victim Advocates

entry |6 pages

Police Solidarity

entry |4 pages

Police Standards and Training Commissions

entry |5 pages

Police States

entry |3 pages

Police Suicide

entry |6 pages

Policing Multiethnic Communities

entry |6 pages

Policing Strategies

entry |2 pages

Policing the Olympics

entry |3 pages

Politics and the Police

entry |3 pages


entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Posse Comitatus

entry |3 pages

Post-Shooting Review

entry |3 pages

Presumptive Arrest Policing

entry |4 pages

Prisoner Reentry, Public Safety, and Crime

entry |5 pages

Private Policing

entry |3 pages

Probation and Parole

entry |8 pages

Problem-Oriented Policing

entry |3 pages


entry |4 pages

Psychological Fitness for Duty

entry |4 pages

Psychological Standards

entry |5 pages

Psychology and the Police

entry |4 pages

Public Housing Police

entry |3 pages

Public image of the Police

entry |2 pages

Public Safety, Defined

entry |5 pages

Public—Private Partnerships in Policing

letter 1093Q|6 pages

entry |6 pages

Quality-of-Life Policing

letter 1099R|50 pages

entry |7 pages

Racial Profiling

entry |3 pages

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)

entry |2 pages

Radelet, Louis A.

entry |2 pages

Reiss, Albert J., Jr.

entry |3 pages

Repeat Offender Programs

entry |4 pages

Research and Development

entry |8 pages

Responding to School Violence

entry |3 pages

Risk Management

entry |3 pages


entry |4 pages

Role of the Police

entry |4 pages

Role of the Police

entry |2 pages

Rowand and Mayne, First Police Commissioners, United Kingdom

entry |3 pages

Rural and Small-Town Law Enforcement

entry |2 pages

Russian Policing

letter 1149S|89 pages

entry |3 pages

San Antonio Police Department

entry |4 pages

San Diego Community Policing

entry |2 pages

Sara, The Model

entry |4 pages

School Resource Officers

entry |4 pages

School Violence

entry |6 pages

Sergeants/Middle Management

entry |3 pages

Serial Murder

entry |3 pages


entry |4 pages

Shift Work and Fatigue

entry |5 pages

Situational Crime Prevention

entry |2 pages

Smith, Bruce

entry |1 pages

Social Disorganization, Theory of

entry |4 pages

State Law Enforcement

entry |5 pages

Sting Tactics

entry |5 pages

Strategic Planning

entry |1 pages

Stress and Police Work

entry |2 pages

Stress: Coping Mechanisms

entry |3 pages

Strikes and Job Actions

entry |5 pages

Styles of Policing

entry |4 pages


entry |3 pages

Supreme Court Decisions

entry |4 pages


entry |2 pages

Swat Teams

letter 1239T|64 pages

entry |5 pages

Technology and Police Decision Making

entry |4 pages

Technology and Strategic Planning

entry |5 pages

Technology and the Police

entry |3 pages

Technology, Records Management Systems, and Calls for Service

entry |4 pages

Television Images of Policing

entry |4 pages

Terrorism: Definitional Problems

entry |4 pages

Terrorism: Domestic

entry |7 pages

Terrorism: International

entry |5 pages

Terrorism: Overview

entry |3 pages

Terrorism: Police Functions Associated with

entry |3 pages

Texas Rangers

entry |4 pages

Theories of Policing

entry |4 pages

Traffic Services and Management

entry |6 pages

Transnational Organized Crime

entry |3 pages

Tribal Police

letter 1303U|20 pages

entry |4 pages

Undercover Investigations

entry |6 pages

Uniform Crime Reports

entry |3 pages

Unionization, Police

entry |3 pages

U.S. Border Patrol

entry |2 pages

U.S. Marshals Service

entry |2 pages

U.S. Secret Service

letter 1323V|22 pages

entry |4 pages

Victim Rights Movement in the United States

entry |5 pages

Victims' Attitudes Toward the Police

entry |3 pages

Video Technology in Policing

entry |4 pages


entry |2 pages

Vollmer, August

entry |3 pages

Volunteers in Policing

entry |2 pages

Vorenberg, James

letter 1345W|24 pages

entry |4 pages

Weed and Seed

entry |2 pages

Western Peace Officer

entry |5 pages

White Collar Crime

entry |3 pages

Wickersham, George W.

entry |2 pages

Wilson, James Q.

entry |3 pages

Wilson, O. W.

entry |5 pages

Women in Law Enforcement

letter 1369X|3 pages

entry |3 pages

X-Ray Technology and Applications for Policing

letter 1373Y|12 pages

entry |3 pages

Youth Gangs: Definitions

entry |4 pages

Youth Gangs: Dimensions

entry |5 pages

Youth Gangs: Interventions and Results

letter 1385Z|4 pages

entry |4 pages

Zero Tolerance Policing