Storytelling is part of social action and interaction that actually shapes the future of organizations. Organization and management studies have overwhelmingly focused to date on rational narrative structures with beginnings, middles, and ends, where narrative has proved to be a handy concept in qualitative studies. Far less attention is given however to the more spontaneous and ‘non-staged’ storytelling that occurs in organizations. Storytelling and the Future of Organizations explores the science and practice of ‘antenarrative’ because that is how the future of organization is shaped.

Antenarrative is a term invented by David M. Boje in 2001, and is defined as a ‘bet on the future,’ as ‘before’ narrative linearity, coherence, and stability sets in. Antenarrative is all about ’prospective sensemaking,’ betting on the future before narrative retrospection fossilizes the past. Antenarrative storytelling is therefore agential in ways that traditional narratology has yet to come to grips with. This handbook contribution is bringing together a decade of scholarship on ‘antenarrative.’ It is the first volume to offer such a varied but systematic examination of non-traditional narrative inquiry in the management realm, organizing and developing its approach, and providing new insights for management students and scholars.

part I|107 pages

Individual, Gender, and Group Antenarratives

chapter |6 pages

Introduction to Part I

Individual, Gender, and Group Antenarratives

chapter 1|18 pages

Antenarrational Presuppositions

A Philosophical Reflection on Responsible Use of Power and (Ante)narrative

chapter 3|20 pages

The Tesseract Antenarrative Model

Mapping Storytelling to Multidimensional Factor Lattices in Mathematics

chapter 5|16 pages

The Creative Spirit of the Leader's Soul

Using Antenarratives to Explain Metanoia Experiences

part II|84 pages

Organization and Writing Antenarratives

chapter II|5 pages

Introduction to Part II

Organization and Writing Antenarratives

chapter 8|15 pages

Antenarrative and Narrative

The Experiences of Actors Involved in the Development and Use of Information Systems

chapter 10|12 pages

Antenarratives, Strategic Alliances, and Sensemaking

Engagement and Divorce Without Marriage Between Two Brazilian Air Carrier Firms

chapter 11|13 pages

Visual/Picture as Antenarratives

Sketching the Research Process

chapter 12|12 pages


A Love Story

part III|100 pages

Antenarratives and Organization Change

part IV|80 pages

National and Globalizing Antenarratives

chapter IV|2 pages

Introduction to Part IV

National and Globalizing Antenarratives

chapter 19|17 pages

Storytelling Narrative Marginality

On Becoming a Global Human

chapter 20|13 pages

The Rhetoric of Toxic Assets

An Antenarrative Analysis

chapter 21|19 pages

Well-Timed Stories

Rhetorical Kairos and Antenarrative Theory

chapter IV|10 pages


An Antenarrative Theory of Socioeconomic in Intervention Research