Providing timely and practical guidance about teaching science to all students, this text gives particular emphasis to making science accessible to populations who are typically pushed to the fringe – especially students of color and English language learners. Central to this text is the idea that science can be viewed as a culture, including specific methods of thinking, particular ways of communicating, and specialized kinds of tools. By using culture as a starting point and connecting it to effective instructional approaches, this text gives elementary and middle school science teachers a valuable framework to support the science learning of every student.

Changes in the Second Edition: Three new chapters; technological tools and resources embedded throughout each chapter; increased attention to the role of theory as it relates to science teaching and learning; expanded use of science process skills; updated and expanded Companion Website (www.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415892582).

chapter 2|24 pages

— The Nature of Science

chapter 7|27 pages

— Assessing Science Learning

chapter 11|23 pages

— From Activity to Inquiry

chapter 12|29 pages

— Integrating Science with Other Subjects