This Encyclopedia is a reference work about young children in the USA, designed for use by policy makers, community planners, parents of young children, teacher and early childhood educators, programme and school administrators, among others. The field of early childhood education has been affected by changes taking place in the nation’s economy, demographics, schools, communities and families that influence political and professional decisions. These diverse historical, political economic, socio-cultural, intellectual and educational influences on early childhood education have hindered the development of a clear definition of the field. The Encyclopedia provides an opportunity to define the field against the background of these influences and relates the field of early childhood education to its diverse contexts and to the cultural and technological resources currently affecting it.

letter 1|4 pages


letter 2|89 pages

Historical and Philosophical Roots of Early Childhood Practice

entry |4 pages


entry 2.1|21 pages

Ancient Contributions to Child Care and Early Education (Prior to A.d. 1750)

entry |1 pages

African Influences

entry |2 pages

American Indian (Native American) Influences

entry |1 pages

Asian Influences

entry |2 pages

Biblical (Jewish/Christian) Influences

entry |3 pages

Greeks, Ancient, Influences of

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |2 pages

Islamic (Muslim) Influences

entry |1 pages

Latino (Hispanic) Influences

entry |2 pages

Romans, Ancient, Influences of

entry |1 pages


entry |3 pages

Medieval Education

entry |2 pages

Renaissance Education

entry |1 pages

Comenius (Jan Ámos Komenský)

entry |1 pages

da Feltre, Vittorino

entry |2 pages

Reformation, Education in the

entry |1 pages

Luther, Martin

entry |2 pages

Enlightenment, Education in the

entry |1 pages

Locke, John

entry 2.2|16 pages

Philosophical, Political, and Educational Contexts in the United States

entry |8 pages

Beyond the Predictable: A Viewing of the History of Early Childhood Education

entry |6 pages

Historic Tensions and Future Opportunities: Public Responsibility and Early Childhood Education

entry |2 pages

Educational Contexts: The Common School in Relation to Early Childhood Education

entry 2.3|10 pages

History of Early Childhood Programs and Practices (Prior to 1960)

entry |1 pages

Bureau of Educational Experiments (Bank Street)

entry |3 pages

Froebelian Kindergarten, The*

entry |1 pages

Laboratory Schools

entry |1 pages

McMillan Nursery School, The

entry |2 pages

Montessori Method, The

entry |1 pages

Parent Education, History of

entry |1 pages

Progressive Movement, The

entry |1 pages

Traditional Nursery School, The

entry 582.4|7 pages

History of Child Care and Early Childhood Education Legislation

entry |6 pages

Federal Legislation of Importance to Early Childhood Education: A Chronology

entry 652.5|7 pages

Evolution of Unique Early Childhood Curriculum Materials

entry |1 pages

Blocks, The Development of, in the United States

entry |5 pages

Children's Literature in the United States, Evolution of

entry 2.6|24 pages

Pioneers in Child Care and Early Childhood Education (After A.d. 1750)

entry |1 pages

Addams, Jane

entry |1 pages

Adler, Felix

entry |1 pages

Barnard, Henry

entry |1 pages

Blow, Susan

entry |1 pages

Bryan, Anna E.

entry |1 pages

Clapp, Elsie R.

entry |1 pages

Committee of Nineteen

entry |1 pages

Darwin, Charles

entry |1 pages

Dewey, John

entry |1 pages

Eliot, Abigail

entry |1 pages

Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm*

entry |1 pages

Hailmann, Eudora

entry |1 pages

Hailmann, William

entry |1 pages

Harris, William T.

entry |1 pages

Harrison, Elizabeth

entry |1 pages

Hill, Patty Smith

entry |1 pages

International Kindergarten Union

entry |1 pages

Johnson, Harriet

entry |1 pages

Marwedel, Emma

entry |1 pages

McMillan, Margaret and Rachel

entry |1 pages

Mitchell, Lucy Sprague

entry |1 pages

Montessori, Maria

entry |1 pages

National Association of Nursery Educators (NANE)

entry |1 pages

National Kindergarten Association

entry |1 pages

Owen, Robert

entry |1 pages

Peabody, Elizabeth

entry |1 pages

Pestalozzi, Johann

entry |1 pages

Pratt, Caroline

entry |1 pages

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

entry |1 pages

Schurz, Margarethe Meyer

entry |1 pages

Séguin, Édouard

entry |1 pages

Temple, Alice

entry |1 pages

Wiggin, Kate Douglas

entry |1 pages

Yates, Josephine S.

entry |1 pages

Young, Ella Flagg

letter 3|90 pages

Sociocultural, Political, and Economic Contexts of Child Care and Early Education

entry |5 pages


entry 3.1|12 pages

Demographics and Diversity

entry |2 pages

National Demographic Trends

entry |11 pages

Regional Demographic Trends

entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

South and Southeast

entry |1 pages


entry |3 pages

West (California)

entry |3 pages


entry 3.2|11 pages

Sponsorships and Interest Groups

entry |6 pages

History of Sponsorships and Interest Groups

entry |3 pages

Sources of Funding for Early Childhood Programs

entry |2 pages

Foundations, Potential Funding by

entry 3.3|9 pages

Early Childhood Settings in the Public Sector

entry |2 pages

Child Care Support

entry |2 pages

Child Care in the Military

entry |1 pages

Head Start

entry |1 pages

Head Start Program Evaluation

entry |1 pages

Infant Intervention and Enrichment Programs

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

All-Day Kindergarten

entry |1 pages

Alternate- and Extended-Day Kindergarten

entry |1 pages

Half-Day Kindergarten

entry |4 pages

Prekindergarten: School-Based Programs

entry |1 pages

Primary Grades

entry |1 pages

Primary School Follow Through Programs

entry |1 pages

School-Age Child Care

entry 3.4|15 pages

Early Childhood Settings in the Private Sector

entry |1 pages

At-Home Education

entry |1 pages

Centers for the Homeless

entry |8 pages

Child Care Programs

entry |1 pages

Church/Synagogue and Community Agency Child Care

entry |1 pages

Day Care

entry |1 pages

Drop-In Child Care Centers

entry |2 pages

Family Day Care (Home-Based Child Care)

entry |1 pages

Group Child Care Homes

entry |1 pages

Industry-Based Child Care

entry |2 pages

Infant/Toddler Child Care

entry |1 pages

Proprietary (For-Profit) Child Care

entry |1 pages

Elementary Schools

entry |1 pages

Intergenerational Programs

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Laboratory Schools (College and University)

entry |1 pages

Nursery School (Prekindergarten)

entry |1 pages

Parent Cooperatives

entry |1 pages

Religious Early Childhood Education

entry 1553.5|33 pages

Child Advocacy and Public Policy

entry |11 pages

Child Advocacy

entry |2 pages

Advocacy Strategies

entry |1 pages

Children's Rights

entry |7 pages

Organizations, National Advocacy*

entry |1 pages

Parent Action

entry |16 pages

Early Childhood Policies

entry |1 pages

Child Abuse Legislation

entry |1 pages

Child Care Policy

entry |1 pages

Child Welfare Policy

entry |1 pages

Compensatory, Chapter 1, and Migratory Education Policy

entry |2 pages

Head Start Policy

entry |3 pages

Health Care Policies

entry |1 pages

Immunization Policies

entry |1 pages

Kindergarten Policy

entry |1 pages

Media (Television) Policies

entry |1 pages

Prekindergarten Policy

entry |1 pages

Safety Policies

entry |3 pages

School Desegregation Policy

entry |1 pages

Special Education Policy

entry |6 pages

Regional Policy Trends in Financing, Licensing, and Regulation

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

South and Southeast

entry |2 pages


entry 3.6|1 pages

Sociocultural Studies of the Effectiveness of Early Childhood Education

letter 4|112 pages

Perspectives on Children

entry |4 pages


entry 4.1|2 pages

History of Child Development and Learning Theory

entry 1974.2|8 pages

Key Figures in Child Development and Learning Theory

entry |1 pages

Ainsworth, Mary B.

entry |1 pages

Baldwin, James Mark

entry |1 pages

Brazelton, T. Berry

entry |1 pages

Bruner, Jerome S.

entry |1 pages

Erikson, Erik

entry |1 pages

Freud, Anna

entry |1 pages

Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)

entry |1 pages

Gesell, Arnold

entry |1 pages

Greenspan, Stanley

entry |1 pages

Hall, G. Stanley

entry |1 pages

Isaacs, Susan Sutherland (Fairhurst)

entry |1 pages

Mahler, Margaret

entry |1 pages

Piaget, Jean

entry |1 pages

Preyer, Wilhelm Thierry

entry |1 pages

Skinner, Burrhus Frederic

entry |1 pages

Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich

entry |1 pages

Watson, John Broadus

entry |1 pages

Whiting, Beatrice, and Whiting, John

entry 4.3|6 pages

Theories of Child Development and Learning

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry 4.4|64 pages

Domains of Development

entry |1 pages

Aesthetic Development

entry |3 pages

Cognitive-Intellectual Development

entry |5 pages

Emotional and Social Development

entry |1 pages

Infant Emotional Development

entry |1 pages

Childhood Emotional Development

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |2 pages

Imagination and Symbolic Thinking

entry |1 pages


entry |3 pages

Language Acquisition

entry |3 pages

Bilingual Language Development

entry |1 pages

Metalinguistic Ability, Development of

entry |4 pages

Moral Development

entry |1 pages

Justice Reasoning and Social Cognition

entry |1 pages

Religious Concepts

entry |1 pages

Physical and Motor Development

entry |2 pages

Play, the Role of, in Development

entry |3 pages

Social Development and Development of Relationships

entry |1 pages

Social Cognition

entry 4.5|6 pages

Sequences of Development and Child Characteristics

entry |2 pages

Prenatal Development and Characteristics

entry |1 pages

Infant and Toddler Development and Characteristics

entry |1 pages

Preschooler Development and Characteristics

entry |1 pages

Kindergarten-Age Children, Development and Characteristics of

entry |2 pages

Primary School Children, Development and Characteristics of

entry 4.6|12 pages

Special Learning Needs/Individual Needs

entry |1 pages

Labeling Young Children, Issues and Implications of

entry |1 pages

Mediated Learning Experiences and At-Risk Children

entry |1 pages

Emotional and Social Needs

entry |1 pages

Intellectual Disabilities

entry |2 pages

Perceptual Disabilities

entry |6 pages

Physical Disabilities

entry |4 pages

Prenatal Substance Abuse

entry |1 pages

Medically Fragile/Technology-Dependent Children

entry 4.7|15 pages

Contexts of Development

entry |4 pages

Ecological and Sociocultural Influences

entry |1 pages

Class and Caste Variations

entry |1 pages

Cultural/Ethnicity Variations

entry |2 pages

Family Contexts

entry |1 pages

Parents as First Teacher

entry |2 pages

Gender Identification

entry |1 pages

Gender and Play

entry |3 pages

Peer Culture

entry |2 pages

Classroom Peer Interaction

entry |1 pages


entry |4 pages

Nutrition, Health, and Safety

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

entry |1 pages

Child Abuse

entry |1 pages

Substance Abuse

entry 4.8|1 pages

Child Study and Observation

entry |1 pages

Individuals, Observation and Study of

entry |2 pages

Classrooms, Observation and Study of

entry |3 pages

Neighborhood/Community Child Study and Observation

entry |1 pages

Family Studies

entry 4.9|28 pages

Child Assessment and Evaluation

entry |1 pages

Child Assessment Trends, Concerns, and Issues

entry |2 pages

Observation Methods, Trends, Concerns, and Issues

entry |1 pages

Evaluation Trends

entry |1 pages

Retention and Redshirting

entry |2 pages

Assessment Issues and Principles

entry |12 pages

Glossary of Assessment Terms

entry |7 pages

Glossary of Assessment Instruments

entry |2 pages

Infant Assessment: Issues and Glossary

letter 5|107 pages

Early Childhood Curricula and Programs: Variations in form and Content

entry |4 pages


entry 5.1|3 pages

Early Childhood Curriculum Trends and Issues in the United States

entry |1 pages

History of Early Childhood Curriculum Trends in the United States

entry |2 pages

Advocacy for Developmentally Appropriate Practice

entry |1 pages

Public School Entrance Age

entry 3125.2|16 pages

Curriculum Approaches

entry |1 pages

Academics/Direct Instruction

entry |1 pages

Constructivist/Intellectual Curriculum

entry |1 pages

Interdisciplinary Learning/Integrated Curriculum

entry |1 pages

Multicultural Education

entry |1 pages

Peace Education

entry |1 pages

Projects, Topics, and Themes

entry |1 pages

Unit Curriculum

entry |9 pages

Special Education Programs

entry |2 pages

Developmentally Delayed

entry |1 pages

Emotionally Disturbed

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Learning Disabilities

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Perceptual Impairments

entry |1 pages

Physical Impairments

entry 5.3|29 pages

Curriculum Domains

entry |1 pages

Arts: Visual-Graphic and Spatial

entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |2 pages

Creative Drama and Children's Theater

entry |1 pages

Health, Nutrition, and Safety

entry |5 pages

Language Arts

entry |1 pages

Language Experience

entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |4 pages

Literacy Issues

entry |1 pages

Language Differences

entry |1 pages

Literacy, Emergent

entry |1 pages

Literacy, Oral

entry |1 pages

Literacy, Oral: Principles of Practice

entry |3 pages

Mathematics Literacy

entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Physical Education

entry |2 pages

Physical Knowledge, Logico-mathematical Knowledge, and Social-arbitrary Knowledge

entry |1 pages

Science, Natural

entry |1 pages

Science, Physical

entry |5 pages

Social Studies

entry |1 pages

Community Resource Use

entry |1 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Family Center and Alternatives

entry |1 pages


entry 5.4|13 pages

Curriculum Materials

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Big Books, Shared Book Experiences

entry |1 pages

Children's Literature

entry |2 pages

Commercial Curriculum Kits

entry |1 pages

Computer Software

entry |2 pages

Mathematically Oriented Materials

entry |1 pages

Cuisenaire Rods

entry |1 pages

Dienes Multibase Arithmetic Blocks

entry |4 pages

Malleable Materials

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Paint and Other Media

entry |2 pages

Sand and Water

entry |2 pages

Outdoor Education Provisions

entry |1 pages

Equipping an Outdoor Playground

entry |1 pages

Teacher-Made Materials

entry |2 pages

Textbooks and Workbooks

entry |1 pages

Textbooks: Historical Context and Present Practice

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Writing Tools

entry 5.5|11 pages

Technology and Educative Materials

entry |2 pages

Technology as a Learning Tool

entry |1 pages

Advocacy for Quality in Technology

entry |3 pages


entry |1 pages

Glossary, Computers

entry |1 pages

Video, Robots, and Other Technologies

entry |4 pages

Television Issues

entry |2 pages

Television, Influences

entry |1 pages

Glossary, Television

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Toys and Equipment, Annotated List of*

entry 3805.6|10 pages

Physical Environments and Classroom Management

entry |4 pages

Physical Environment

entry |1 pages

Learning Centers

entry |1 pages

Space, Amount and Use of

entry |1 pages

Special Education Provisions

entry |5 pages

Classroom Management

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Pacing Instruction

entry |1 pages

Pacing Issues

entry |1 pages

Record Keeping

entry |1 pages

Time Use

entry 5.7|15 pages

Strategies of Teaching

entry |14 pages

Strategies of Teaching: Overview

entry |1 pages

Behavior Modification

entry |1 pages

Cooperative Learning

entry |1 pages

Direct Instruction

entry |1 pages

Discussion, Conversation, and Questioning: Critical Thinking

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Grouping in Programs for Children Under Six

entry |1 pages

Humor, Teaching with

entry |1 pages

Inductive Model

entry |2 pages

Learning Styles

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Team Teaching

entry 5.8|7 pages

Field Trips

entry |1 pages

Planning Field Trips

entry |1 pages

Field Trips: Midwest

entry |2 pages

Field Trips: Northeast

entry |1 pages

Field Trips: Pacific Northwest

entry |1 pages

Field Trips: South

entry |1 pages

A Survey Study of Field Trips in the South

entry |1 pages

Field Trips: Southwest

entry |1 pages

Field Trips: West

letter 6|79 pages

Perspectives On Educators

entry |6 pages


entry 6.1|4 pages

History of Early Childhood Teacher Recruitment, Certification, and Legislation

entry |2 pages

History of Early Childhood Teacher Education

entry |1 pages

Early Childhood Teacher Education at Black Colleges

entry |2 pages

History of Early Childhood Teacher Licensure: 1920s–1990s

entry 6.2|10 pages

Profiles of Early Childhood Teachers and Child Care Providers

entry |1 pages

Career Development

entry |2 pages

Early Childhood Teachers: A Profile

entry |1 pages

Recruitment and Admission to the Profession

entry |1 pages

Support Services

entry |4 pages

Health Care Providers: Communication Linkages

entry |1 pages

Social Services

entry |1 pages

Special Education as a Support Service

entry |1 pages

Specialist Teachers in Addition to the Classroom Teacher

entry |1 pages

Resource Room

entry |1 pages

Unions and Early Childhood Education

entry 6.3|10 pages

Glossary of Professional Associations and Journals

entry |1 pages

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AAGTE)

entry |1 pages

Association for Childhood Education International (AGEI)

entry |1 pages

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

entry |1 pages

Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)

entry |1 pages

National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAEGTE)

entry |1 pages

California Professors of Early Childhood Education

entry |5 pages

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and Regional Aspects

entry |1 pages

California AEYC

entry |1 pages

Hawaii AEYG

entry |1 pages

Midwest AEYC

entry |1 pages

New England AEYC

entry |1 pages

Southern Association for Children Under Six (SACUS)

entry |1 pages

Western States Leadership Network

entry |1 pages

National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

entry |1 pages

Organisation Mondiale pour l'Education Pre-Scolaire (OMEP) (Worldwide Organization for Early Childhood Education)

entry |1 pages

Professional Journals Related to Early Childhood Education

entry 6.4|8 pages

Professional Issues

entry |1 pages

Advocacy for Teachers

entry |1 pages

Compensation Issues

entry |1 pages

Early Childhood Teachers and Professionalism

entry |1 pages

Professional Empowerment, Supervision, and Educational Change

entry |2 pages

Professional Ethics

entry |2 pages

Union Relations

entry 4536.5|6 pages

Preservice Teacher Education

entry |2 pages

Knowledge Bases

entry |1 pages

Liberal Arts Education

entry |2 pages

Historical Context of Student Teaching

entry |1 pages

Student Teaching Placement and Supervision

entry |1 pages

Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

entry 6.6|10 pages

In-service Teacher Education

entry |1 pages

Content and Providers of In-service Education Programs

entry |2 pages

Managing Change Through In-service Education

entry |4 pages

Refinement of In-service Teaching Practice

entry |2 pages

Reflective Teaching

entry |1 pages

Autobiography as a Means of Refinement of In-service Teachers' Practice

entry |2 pages

Ethnographic Interview as a Tool for Early Childhood Teacher Education

entry |3 pages

Pathways to Career Development

entry |2 pages

Career Ladders

entry |1 pages

Graduate Degree Programs

entry 6.7|7 pages

Teacher Education Policies

entry |2 pages

Assessment and Evaluation of Early Childhood Teachers

entry |3 pages

Certification of Early Childhood Teachers

entry |2 pages

Entry-Level Testing of Teachers

entry |1 pages

Guidelines: NAEYC's Teacher Education Guidelines and NGATE

entry |1 pages

Legislation: Effect on Teacher Education

entry 6.8|16 pages

Parents, Parent Education, and Community Involvement

entry |4 pages

Families as Educators

entry |2 pages

History of the Family in the United States

entry |1 pages

Characteristics of Families in the United States

entry |2 pages

Parent Education in the United States, Emergence of

entry |3 pages

Parent Education and Involvement, Types of

entry |1 pages

Mother-Child Home Program (“Toy Demonstrators”)

entry |1 pages

Parent and Child Programs

entry |1 pages

An Adapted Toy Lending Library

entry |1 pages

Parents as Teachers

entry |1 pages

Parents as Decision Makers in Programs

entry |1 pages

Paraprofessionals and Volunteers

entry |6 pages

Issues in Parent Education

entry |2 pages

Ethical Issues in Parent Education

entry |1 pages

Parents and Bilingualism

entry |1 pages

Families and Schools: Underlying Assumptions

entry |1 pages

Literacy, The Role of Parents in Promoting

entry 6.9|2 pages

Supervision and Administration of Early Childhood Programs

entry |1 pages

Supervision and Administration of Early Childhood Programs

entry |1 pages

Accreditation of Programs