Universities are under increasing pressure to help promote socio-economic growth in their local communities. However until now, no systematic, critical attention has been paid to the factors and mechanisms that currently make this process so daunting. In Universities and Regional Development, scholars from Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia critically address this knowledge gap, focusing on policy, organization, and the role of individual actors to uncover the challenges facing higher education institutions as they seek to engage with their regions.

In a systematic and comparative manner, this book shows internal and external audiences why, how, and when the institutionalization of universities’ "third missions" should take place, and also:

    • challenges conventional wisdom about the role of universities in society and the economy
    • demonstrates how institutions in different nations and regions cope with local engagement
    • combines the latest national, regional and local research with international perspectives
    • integrates diverse conceptual and disciplinary frameworks

Universities and Regional Development is a key resource for researchers and students of higher education and territorial development, educational policy makers, and university managers seeking to engage with the world beyond their university.

part |24 pages

Setting the Stage for the Discussion and Analysis

part |70 pages

Tensions Derived from Path- and Resource-Dependencies

part |75 pages

Tensions Derived from the Role of Dominant Players/Models, Legitimacy and Symbolic Compliance

part |59 pages

Tensions Derived from Strategic Planning Processes

chapter |18 pages

Scaling Entrepreneurial Architecture

The Challenge of Managing Regional Technology Transfer in Hamburg

chapter |20 pages

The Relationship of Regional Engagement to Universities' Core Purposes

Reflections from Engagement Efforts with Socially Excluded Communities

chapter |19 pages

Managing Regional Engagement

The Role of Benchmarking

part |17 pages

Making Sense of the Findings and Proposing a Way Forward

chapter |15 pages

What Next?

Steps towards a Recategorization of Universities' Regional Missions