The urban world is an exciting terrain for investigating the central institutions, structures and problems of the social world and how they have transformed through the last 200 years. This Reader comprises sections on urban social theory, racial and social difference in the city, culture in everyday life, culture and the urban economy, globalization and transnational social relations and the regulation of urban space.

Drawing together seminal selections covering the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries, this Reader includes forty-three significant writings from eminent names such as Simmel, Wirth, Park, Burgess, DuBois, Zukin, Sassen, and Harvey. The 2nd edition illuminates more recent urban issues such as sprawl, sustainability, immigration and urban protest. Selections are predominantly sociological, but some readings cross disciplinary boundaries.

Providing an essential resource for students of urban studies, this book brings together important but, till now, widely dispersed writings. Editorial commentaries precede each entry; introducing the text, demonstrating its significance, and outlining the issues surrounding its topic, whilst the associated bibliography enables deeper investigations.

chapter |7 pages

General Introduction

part |68 pages

Urbanization and Community

chapter |3 pages

Introduction to Part One

chapter |7 pages

"Community and Society"

From C. P. Loomis (ed.), Community and Society (1963) [1887]

chapter |9 pages

"The Metropolis and Mental Life"

From Kurt H. Wolff (ed.), The Sociology of Georg Simmel (1950) [1903]

chapter |10 pages

"Urbanism as a Way of Life"

From American Journal of Sociology (1938)

chapter |8 pages

"Theories of Urbanism"

From The Urban Experience, second edition (1984) [1976]

chapter |8 pages

"The Uses of City Neighborhoods"

From The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961)

chapter |9 pages

"Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital"

From Journal of Democracy (1995)

part |89 pages

Understanding Urban Growth in the Capitalist City

chapter |4 pages

Introduction to Part Two

chapter |8 pages

"Human Ecology"

From American Journal of Sociology (1936)

chapter |9 pages

"The Growth of the City: An Introduction to a Research Project"

From Robert Park et al. (eds), The City (1925)

chapter |9 pages

"The Urban Process under Capitalism: A Framework for Analysis"

From International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (1978)

chapter |9 pages

"The City as a Growth Machine"

From Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place (1987)

chapter |9 pages

“Partnership and the Pursuit of the Private City”

From Mark Gottdiener and Chris Pickvance (eds), Urban Life in Transition (1991)

chapter |11 pages

"Los Angeles and the Chicago School: Invitation to a Debate"

From City and Community (2002)

chapter |9 pages

"Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century"

From Place Matters (2001)

part |75 pages

Racial and Social Inequality

chapter |8 pages

"The Environment of the Negro"

From The Philadelphia Negro (1900)

chapter |10 pages

"The Cost of Racial and Class Exclusion in the Inner City"

From Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1989)

chapter |10 pages

"Segregation and the Making of the Underclass"

From American Apartheid (1993)

chapter |12 pages

"The Immigrant Enclave: Theory and Empirical Examples"

From Susan Olzak and Joane Nagel (eds), Competitive Ethnic Relations (1986)

part |54 pages

Gender and Sexuality

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to Part Four

chapter |10 pages

"'Race,' Space, and Power: The Survival Strategies of Working Poor Women"

From Annals of the Association of American Geographers (1998)

chapter |8 pages

"Gender and Space: Lesbians and Gay Men in the City"

From International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (1992)

chapter |10 pages

"Freeing South Africa: The 'Modernization' of Male-Male Sexuality in Soweto"

From Cultural Anthropology (1998)

chapter |9 pages

"Whose Place is this Space? Life in the Street Prostitution Area of Helsinki, Finland"

From International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2002)

part |46 pages

Globalization and Transnationality

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to Part Five

chapter |7 pages

"The World City Hypothesis"

From Development and Change (1986)

chapter |8 pages

"Whose City Is It? Globalization and the Formation of New Claims"

From Public Culture (1996)

chapter |11 pages

"City Life: West African Communities in New York"

From Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (2001)

chapter |9 pages

"Social Remittances: Migration Driven Local-Level Forms of Cultural Diffusion"

From International Migration Review (1998)

part |45 pages

Culture and the City

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to Part Six

chapter |9 pages

"Whose Culture? Whose City?"

From The Cultures of Cities (1995)

chapter |12 pages

"Cities and the Creative Class"

From City and Community (2003)

part |44 pages

Regulation and Rights in Urban Space

chapter |4 pages

"The Erosion of Public Space and the Public Realm"

From City and Society (2006)

chapter |9 pages

"Fortified Enclaves: The New Urban Segregation"

From Public Culture (1996)

chapter |6 pages

"Spaces of Insurgent Citizenship"

From Leonie Sandercock (ed.) Making the Invisible Visible (1998)

chapter |4 pages

"The Right to the City"

From International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2003)