One Hundred Twentieth-Century Philosophers offers biographical information and critical analysis of the life, work and impact of some of the most significant figures in philosophy this century.
Taken from the acclaimed Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers, the 100 entries are alphabetically organised, from Adorno to Zhang Binglin, and cover individuals from both continental and analytic philosophy.
The entries have an identical four-part structure making it easy to compare and contrast information, comprising:

* biographical details
* a bibliography of major works
* a listing of relevant secondary and critical literature
* an appraisal of the philosopher's thoughts and achievements.
A separate glossary provides an introduction to the origins, development and main features of major philosophical schools and movements and offers select bibliographies to guide the reader to further research.

part |207 pages

Entries A–Z

entry |2 pages

Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund

entry |3 pages

Althusser, Louis

entry |3 pages

Anscombe, G(ertrude) E(lizabeth) M(argaret)

entry |2 pages

Arendt, Hannah

entry |2 pages

Aurobindo, Ghose (popularly known as Sri Aurobindo)

entry |3 pages

Austin, J(ohn) L(angshaw)

entry |4 pages

Ayer, Alfred Jules

entry |2 pages

Bachelard, Gaston

entry |3 pages

Benjamin, Walter

entry |4 pages

Bergson, Henri-Louis

entry |4 pages

Bradley, Francis Herbert

entry |3 pages

Brentano, Franz

entry |3 pages

Camus, Albert

entry |3 pages

Carnap, Rudolf

entry |3 pages

Cassirer, Ernst

entry |4 pages

Chisholm, Roderick Milton

entry |3 pages

Chomsky, Avram Noam

entry |4 pages

Collingwood, Robin George

entry |3 pages

Croce, Benedetto

entry |3 pages

Davidson, Donald Herbert

entry |3 pages

Derrida, Jacques

entry |4 pages

Dewey, John

entry |3 pages

Dilthey, Wilhelm

entry |3 pages

Duhem, Pierre Maurice Marie

entry |2 pages

Dummett, M(ichael) A(nthony) E(ardley)

entry |3 pages

Feng Youlan (Fung Yu-lan)

entry |2 pages

Feyerabend, Paul Karl

entry |3 pages

Foucault, Michel

entry |3 pages

Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob

entry |4 pages

Gadamer, Hans-Georg

entry |2 pages

Geach, P(eter) T(homas)

entry |2 pages

Gentile, Giovanni

entry |3 pages

Gilson, Étienne Henri

entry |2 pages

Gödel, Kurt

entry |3 pages

Goodman, Nelson

entry |3 pages

Gramsci, Antonio

entry |4 pages

Habermas, Jürgen

entry |3 pages

Hare, R(ichard) M(ervyn)

entry |3 pages

Hartmann, Nicolai

entry |2 pages

Hartshorne, Charles

entry |5 pages

Heidegger, Martin

entry |3 pages

Hempel, Carl Gustav

entry |4 pages

Husserl, Edmund

entry |3 pages

Ingarden, Roman

entry |2 pages

Irigaray, Luce

entry |3 pages

James, William

entry |4 pages

Jaspers, Karl

entry |3 pages

Kripke, Saul Aaron

entry |2 pages

Kristeva, Julia

entry |3 pages

Kuhn, Thomas S(amuel)

entry |2 pages

Lacan, Jacques

entry |3 pages

Langer (née Knauth), Susanne Katerina

entry |3 pages

Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich (pseudonym of V.I. Ul'ianov)

entry |2 pages

Levinas, Emmanuel

entry |2 pages

Lewis, David K(ellogg)

entry |3 pages

Lonergan, Bernard

entry |3 pages

Lukács, Gyorgy

entry |2 pages

Lyotard, Jean-François

entry |3 pages

MacIntyre, A(lasdair) C(halmers)

entry |3 pages

McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis

entry |2 pages

Malcolm, Norman

entry |3 pages

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung)

entry |2 pages

Marcel, Gabriel

entry |2 pages

Marcuse, Herbert

entry |4 pages

Maritain, Jacques

entry |4 pages

Meinong, Alexius (von)

entry |3 pages

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice

entry |3 pages

Moore, G(eorge) E(dward)

entry |3 pages

Murdoch, (Jean) Iris

entry |5 pages

Nietzsche, Friedrich

entry |2 pages

Nishida, Kitaro

entry |4 pages

Nishitani, Keiji

entry |3 pages

Nozick, Robert

entry |2 pages

Ortega y Gasset, José

entry |3 pages

Peirce, Charles S(anders)

entry |3 pages

Piaget, Jean

entry |4 pages

Popper, Karl Raimund

entry |3 pages

Putnam, Hilary

entry |3 pages

Quine, W(illard) V(an) (Orman)

entry |2 pages

Ramsey, Frank Plumpton

entry |2 pages

Rawls, John

entry |3 pages

Ricoeur, Paul

entry |3 pages

Rorty, Richard McKay

entry |3 pages

Royce, Josiah

entry |6 pages

Russell, Bertrand Arthur William

entry |4 pages

Ryle, Gilbert

entry |3 pages

Santayana, George (Jorge Augustin Nicolas Ruiz de S.)

entry |3 pages

Sartre, Jean-Paul

entry |4 pages

Saussure, Ferdinand de

entry |3 pages

Scheler, Max

entry |2 pages

Schlick, Friedrich Albert Moritz

entry |2 pages

Searle, J(ohn) R(ogers)

entry |3 pages

Strawson, Peter Frederick

entry |4 pages

Tarski, Alfred

entry |2 pages

Tillich, Paul

entry |3 pages

Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de

entry |2 pages

Weil, Simone

entry |4 pages

Whitehead, A(lfred) N(orth)

entry |5 pages

Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann

entry |3 pages

Zhang Binglin (Chang Ping-lin)

part |34 pages

Guide to Schools and Movements

entry |1 pages

Absolute Idealism

entry |2 pages

Analytical Philosophy

entry |1 pages

Comtean Positivism

entry |2 pages

Critical Realism

entry |1 pages


entry |2 pages

Evolutionary Philosophers

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Frankfurt School

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages

Legal Positivism

entry |2 pages

Linguistic Philosophy

entry |2 pages

Logical Positivism

entry |1 pages

Lvov-Warsaw School

entry |1 pages


entry |1 pages


entry |2 pages

Munich Circle

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages

New Realism

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Philosophical Anthropology

entry |1 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |4 pages


entry |1 pages

Process Philosophy

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |1 pages

Uppsala School

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Vienna Circle

entry |1 pages
